Editor's Note
This definitely is God's best secret. 36 coral islands that stretch their wings in the sea surpass all heights of your imagination. Lakshadweep is what it has been. Time and years have almost failed to take its true charm away - in the islands and in the villages that abound in people who, in places, still practice coir-making by hand. Lakshadweep might have been formed on their own, and the wind and rains must have rendered it the beauty as we see now. Religion here is almost entirely Islam-dominated and all Muslims and sailors definitely pay obeisance to the Mohiyudeen Mosque. Lakshadweep is as mysterious as its sea and each day unfolds a new chapter. Its islands abound with beautiful and colourful corals, deep-green grasses that render it a golden hue, a striking marine life and wonderful sessions of snorkeling, diving and swimming for adventure-enthusiasts. Life is simple here, beautiful too. It's as if the islands were meant to be alone, isolated and pristine - as the menfolk caught tuna and appal (octopus) and women play the curious game of Kuyppter. Go on, dive and discover...